Call for Papers

The conference will have the following format:

  1. Plenary lectures by keynote speakers (only after invitation)
  2. Original papers (The selection of papers will be made by peer review of the full paper)
  3. Posters (selection is based on a 300 word abstract

Plenary lectures

Will cover major accomplishments on selected fields of research on Applied Economics (duration 45 minutes followed by 15 minutes discussion)

Presentation of papers

Accepted papers will be divided into several sessions. The full program will be announced in June 2025 (duration 10 minutes, followed by 5 min discussion).

Accepted papers will be presented orally, in person (except those registered for virtual presentation). Authors should submit their work by 21 May 2025. Papers are accepted after double peer-review by anonymous referees, and they will appear in the conference programme and in the conference proceedings.

Important deadlines

Full text papers should be submitted by 21 May, 2025 using the Spinger OCS system. The link to Springer OCS for the submission of articles will be posted soon. [instructions on how to submit can be found on]

ICOAE2025 Proceedings will be published both in-print and on-line by Springer in the seriesSpringer Proceedings in Business and Economicsin two volumes under the titles

  • Applied Econometrics in Business and Management – Proceedings from the 2025 International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE), Bratislava, Slovakia, July 3-5, Vol 1.
  • Applied Econometrics in Growth Economics and Microeconomic Analysis – Proceedings from the 2025 International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE), Bratislava, Slovakia, July 3-5, Vol 2.

ICOAE proceedings are indexed in SCOPUS.

There is no maximum number of pages for each article (formatted according to the manuscript guidelines of the conference) but it is advisable not to exceed fifteen (15) pages. [Latex users please use this link to download the style file]

All articles are accepted after double blind refereeing. Upon acceptance authors are required to upload the source file of the article in zip format. After uploading the source file of the final version of your paper in zip format you must fill in the ‘License to Publish’ on-line form within one week from the date of acceptance. Please note that a paper cannot be published in the proceedings without the completion of the ‘License to Publish’ on-line form.

The working language of the conference is English.

Contact information for the conference:

Email: [email protected]

Postal Address:

Prof. Nicholas Tsounis,

Fourka Area,

Department of Economics, University of Western Macedonia,

Kastoria, Greece, GR-52 100

Telephone: +30 2467 440033

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